Removal of deep implant (OP Report Sample)
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Symptomatic retained hardware, status post open ankle fracture dislocation right ankle. POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Symptomatic retained hardware, status post open ankle fracture dislocation right ankle. OPERATIONS PERFORMED: Removal of deep implant. Incisions right ankle. OPERATION: Patient was taken to the operating room, and after induction of general anesthesia with laryngeal mask intubation, the right lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A tourniquet was applied prior to prepping and draping for total tourniquet time at 300 mmHg; please refer to the nurse's notes. A safety time-out was performed, and the patient was properly identified. After exsanguination, tourniquet was elevated. The previous lateral approach was used. Skin and subcutaneous tissues were divided. We elevated peroneal musculature posteriorly off of the fibula exposing the fibular plate. We removed the screws without difficu...